An excellent, late 17C/early 18C, "all over" bird and flower marquetry longcase clock with 11" square dial and MONTH going movement by Jno. ( John ) Culliford of Bristol.
An exquisite William III "all over" bird and flower marquetry longcase clock by Peter Garon of London.The finesse of the marquetry cut is of the very finest quality and detail.
Classic, month going, "inhabited" all over bird & flower marquetry longcase clock with detachable caddy top by James Beverly of London circa 1700. Exceptionally original and well looked after.
A superb William III, walnut/"all over" bird and flower marquetry longcase clock by Char. ( Charles ) Halfted of London. N.B. also recorded spelt Halsted and Halstead - before spelling was standardised.